
Building Collaborative Consortia 


Learn how to transform ideas into collaboration opportunities.

Start building successful win-win consortia.

Collaborate with engaged partners and deliver strong results.

18-24 October 2023 | Ghent

Get your Ticket

10 reasons to participate in
Building Collaborative Consortia 

Do you recognise any of these thoughts?

3 day masterclass

During the masterclass sessions, you and like-minded participants will learn the step-by-step approach to get into the right mind set and to use tools for creating smart collaboration. Contrary to common belief in business, successful collaboration does not start with the signing of the contract; it starts during the first contact and continues during the building of the consortium, the partnerships, and the collaboration proposal. Our Win-Win-methodology is a specific method to build partnerships and collaboration, it maximises your chances for successful collaboration with results.

Geert Van Wonterghem

"I loved the meta view which Piet presented: looking at bringing people together in a way not a lot of people are doing in this world."

Lomme Deleu

"The concept of non-trivial trivialities seems trivial but is essential and very powerful when you apply it in practice."

Elke Smits

"The complementarity between the trainers is a big bonus, 1+1>3"

Building Collaborative Consortia Masterclass

Expert teaching and hands on practicing
based on theory and large practical experience

What you will learn & practice 

Proven Strategies

To find collaboration opportunities using information already available in your organisation

Finding Partners

Make the difference between stakeholders, subcontractors and partners. How to approach missing or surplus partners.

Use diversity as a strength

You will learn to identify and utilize the differences in people’s strengths to build a strong partnership team that delivers great results

Detect & avoid pitfalls

Use our vast experience to your advantage and discover common pitfalls an d how to avoid them for your partnerships 

Win Win Goals

Don't settle for compromises, define win win goals; create space for all partner goals a while meeting your own goals 

Interaction styles

to adapt your communication approach using the PCM framework for more effective interaction with your partners and team. 


Deploy the proven win win methodology and tools to set up your partnerships, consortium goals and see the project structure.

Real situations

Practice to turn around potentially negative conversations and situations into positive actions. Know how to connect to and motivate everyone in his or her individual way

IPR models

Different partnership models to protect your intellectual property and approaches for negotiating.


"All tools presented were explained with real cases, very insightful"


"Many insights, tips and tools to use in practice"


"Piet & Claire are clearly experts with lots of practical experience which they can translate into useful learnings and how-to guidelines."




The kickstart is an online session. For the other days we chose a in person approach. From experience we know that this adds an additional layer to the collaboration topic by creating a fun team experience that you will remember. 


9:30   Welcome
10:00 Training
11:30 Break
11:45 Training
13:00 Lunch


14:00 Training
15:15 Break
15:30 Training
17:00 End
Networking opportunities

Satisfaction: 5 / 5

Last training session we received the ultimate great feedback scores from the participants : the max satisfaction score for content, the approach and the trainers! 

Building Collaborative Consortia Masterclass

Leap forward on the learning curve & learn from the best 
based on theory and vast practical experience

Piet Verhoeve

Expert Win-Win Collaboration


Claire Van de Velde

Expert Win-Win Interaction


An Cosaert

Expert Win-Win Agreements & IPR


Standard Ticket



KMOportefeuille support availble 

Ticket 3 day masterclass

Book Win-Winnovation (NL/ENG)

Course material

Lunch & coffee breaks

6 month access eLearning environment

One hour 1-1 follow up







Secure your spot

VIP Ticket



KMOportefeuille support availble

Ticket 3 day masterclass

Book Win-Winnovation (NL/ENG)

Course material

Lunch & coffee breaks

1 year access eLearning environment

One hour 1-1 follow up

Personal PCM profile

Personal growth plan for win win interaction 

6 recap videos on win win interaction model

3 x one hour personalised follow up sessions

Secure your spot

Day Ticket



KMOportefeuille support availble 

Ticket 1 day masterclass

Book Win-Winnovation (NL/ENG)

Course material

Lunch & coffee breaks

6 month access eLearning environment








Secure your spot

Dates & timing

The masterclass is organised as a set of 3 live training days. We start at 9:30 and end at 17:00

  • October 16 - Kickstart (online session)
  • October 18 - Win Win Collaboration (full day)
  • October 24 - Win Win Interaction (full day)
  • October 26 - Win Win Negotiation (full day)
  • Personal follow up session during 3 months following the training (online)

Address - Ghent region

More info coming soon.


October 2023 | Location Ghent

More details coming soon

We are still working out some practical details but registering is already possible!
Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this masterclass!

Get your Ticket
Other dates/locations